Duffield Fire

  • Now operating under Firefox Wildfire Control, was hired again by the county of Parkland.
  • Firefox tried out the early version of Barricade Gel, with Incredible results. Far Superior to foam, suppressing the fire. It wouldn’t just put the fire out, it keep the fire down (hold the line). 
  • Extinguished 2500 hectare fire.
  • This was around the same time that the province started the mutual aid resource agreement, and urban interface.
  • Under this new regulation, the company was then required to have an Alberta contract to continue to use Gel. Also, the Gel needed to listed on the QPL.
  • Forestry had personel in the area, observing the progress of the fire from a distance. Later, forestry (now called Alberta Wildfire) liaison, witnessed the effectiveness of the Gel.
    • Comments were that the Gel was realy impressive. He had never seen anything like that before.
    • He introduced Firefox to FP Innovations, and recommended that Gel get tested for use in Alberta.